Varicose veins on the legs: signs and treatment

Varicose veins on a woman's legs

Varicose veins in the legs- this is not just a cosmetic problem that causes aesthetic problems for a person. The disease causes a number of complications, therefore it requires adequate therapy.

Varicose veins are a polyetiological pathology. It occurs due to prolonged sitting, hard work, hormonal disturbances, pregnancy, congenital hereditary disorders in the vascular wall. The leg veins lose their elastic properties, when they overflow with blood they stretch, the valvular apparatus begins to malfunction.

The valve is an important structural unit of the vein. Normally, it closes after the passage of blood and does not allow it to flow back into the peripheral channel. Thus, the flow of blood through the veins is carried out towards the heart. When the valve stops working normally, blood returns to the lower extremities and pools there.

With blood stasis, the venous wall expands, further aggravating the problem. Parts of the valve move away from each other, varicose veins on the legs enter the second stage.

Etiology of varicose veins

What causes varicose veins and how does it manifest? First of all, the pathology is associated with genetic disorders and the gender of the patient. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with varicose veins, because they constantly undergo hormonal changes, have children, walk in high heels.

Here is a brief description of the main causes of varicose veins:

  1. genetic predisposition. Varicose veins are not directly inherited, but some structural features of the vessels contribute to the development of pathology. The connective tissues in the walls of the veins weaken, congenital changes in the valves are observed, which leads to poor closure. Since varicose veins on the legs are often diagnosed in young people of both sexes who actively spend time, there are cases of the development of the disease in children. Modern research maintains that the etiology of the disease is most often associated with genetics.
  2. hormonal causes. On different days of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, some endocrine disorders are observed in women, congestion in the lower extremities. Special attention is required to periods of life such as puberty, having children, the time after the birth of a baby, menopause and menopause. Women are advised to have their leg veins examined 2 to 3 times more often than men. Scientists believe that congestion and varicose veins in the legs are associated with the activity of progesterone. This hormone is produced at the end of the monthly cycle and throughout pregnancy. Estrogens produced in the first half of the cycle prevent varicose veins.
  3. sedentary work, low physical activity, activities that require standing for a long time. All these factors can also cause varicose veins in the legs.
  4. Years. The valve apparatus of the veins, like all organs, wears out over the years. Therefore, varicose veins in the legs are most often diagnosed in mature and elderly people.
  5. Obesity. Extra pounds significantly increase the pressure on the legs, which leads to congestion and weakening of the veins.

The secondary form of varicose veins occurs in people who have suffered injuries, suffer from pathology of the liver and spleen, and have heart defects. When diagnosing such problems, they first treat the underlying pathology, and then move on to varicose veins.

Varicose veins stages

With varicose veins on the legs with each other, three stages are successively replaced:

  1. Compensation. Patients are not worried about anything, disproportionately large veins on the legs are detected during a medical examination.
  2. undercompensation. Patients complain of strange sensations in the legs ("ants running", leg cramps at night, tired legs). At night, the swelling in the ankles is revealed, in the morning they disappear. During the examination, enlarged veins due to varicose veins are clearly visible.
  3. Decompensation. This stage is characterized by all the features of the previous ones. In addition, dermatitis, eczema, annoying itching of the skin join. On examination, the doctor notes the dryness and shine of the skin of the legs, its cohesion with fiber. Often visible areas of hyperpigmentation, occur after small hemorrhages, due to the breakdown of haemosiderin.

Varicose veins on the legs progress for a long time, at first it is not considered a dangerous pathology. When a decompensation develops, many complications can arise. They are the ones who must alert the patient, since they can end in disability and even death.

Initial symptoms

Initial manifestations of varicose veins in the legs:

  • Limbs get tired all the time
  • Edema occurs in the middle or at the end of the day.
  • Legs often feel heavy

Over time, with varicose veins, spider veins form on the skin, veins begin to appear, and then they become dense. These symptoms are indicative of poor blood flow.

The main signs of progressive varicose veins on the legs

Manifestations of varicose veins differ at different stages. At first, they are just spider veins or bulging veins. Then there are more serious and severe symptoms.

The main manifestations of varicose veins:

  • Soreness in the lower extremities, heat in the legs, mainly in the course of the veins.
  • Constant feeling of heaviness.
  • Swelling that worsens towards the end of the day.
  • Convulsions, especially at night.
  • A clear expansion of the veins, they become visible under the skin.
  • Dark skin color, compacted areas, trophic ulcers.

If even the initial signs of varicose veins are detected, treatment should be started immediately. The problem does not go away on its own, it only progresses.

To better imagine the signs of the initial stage, they can be seen in the photo.

Diagnosis of varicose veins in the legs.

In order to correctly diagnose varicose veins on the legs, the doctor must take into account not only the data of the examination and the patient's complaints. Appoints a series of additional tests to confirm the presence of a problem and determine the stage. The most informative methods:

  1. Duplex venous scanning (ultrasound). The method allows you to determine how dilated the veins are, where the blood moves through them, whether there are blood clots (blood clots) in their lumen.
  2. contrast venography. Using this technique, the degree of increase in the venous lumen, the characteristics of the passage of blood through the vessels, are determined.

The diagnosis of varicose veins in the legs is the responsibility of a phlebologist. Only an experienced and highly qualified specialist can identify pathology in deep vessels.

How the disease progresses and what are the complications

Varicose veins, in most situations, are complicated by thrombosis and thromboembolism, inflammation of the veins, and trophic disorders. Complications are diagnosed by skin color change, redness (especially along the veins), bluish coloration, appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation, pain, etc.

From the very beginning, the ankles and lower legs begin to swell, this symptom is more pronounced after a long stay in an upright position. Pain during movement appears in the calves, along the course of the veins. Seals are palpated in various parts of the leg under the skin, in severe cases, trophic ulcers are detected.

How to prevent varicose veins

With a hereditary tendency or initial manifestations of varicose veins on the legs, a number of preventive measures should be taken:

  1. Shoes should always be comfortable, with little or no heels.
  2. If heavy loads come, bandage the extremities or put on compression underwear, but only after first consulting with the doctor.
  3. You cannot stand or sit for a long time, you need to change your posture and move more often.
  4. Hot baths are contraindicated, especially in the morning. It is best to swim under a contrast shower.
  5. Smoking has a great negative effect on the blood vessels, this bad habit must be abandoned.

The main preventive measures are reasonable physical activity. It is recommended to spend a few minutes in the morning to exercise, ride a bike, swim, walk more.

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs in pregnant women.

During the period of childbearing in women, the possibility of varicose veins in the legs increases. The phenomenon is associated with the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal restructuring of the body during the period of bearing a child causes varicose veins and stagnation, blood flows poorly from the legs.
  2. In the second half of pregnancy, intra-abdominal pressure increases, making it difficult for blood to drain from the veins in the lower half of the body.
  3. Varicose veins on the legs after childbirth completely disappear on their own or begin to progress. This is due to individual and hereditary factors.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs begins only when the progress of the main manifestations of the pathology is observed.

Some people go to the doctor for a cosmetic defect. Dilated veins in the legs do not look very aesthetically pleasing and I want to eliminate this discomfort.

Here are effective modern methods of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  1. sclerotherapy. The technique is used as a separate treatment method, or in combination with a conservative one. Special substances that cause vascular sclerosis are injected into the venous lumen with a needle. The vein stops working and resolves. To achieve the result, 3 to 6 sessions are carried out, every 7 days. The treatment is completed without scarring or scar formation.
  2. Treatment without surgery. With subcompensation of varicose veins in the legs, minor clinical symptoms and the absence of major discomfort, the use of compression underwear is recommended. Stockings, leggings or tights are worn on a daily basis. Underwear compresses dilated veins, narrows their lumen, improves valve function and blood flow, and relieves the main symptoms of varicose veins.
  3. Medications for the treatment of varicose veins. Drug therapy can combat the signs of varicose veins. Medications reduce pain, relieve swelling, slow down the progression of pathology, but do not completely cure it, do not restore vascular function.
  4. laser treatment. The use of laser therapy is advised for varicose veins in the superficial veins of the legs. When a laser is applied to a vein, sclerotic processes begin to develop in it. It then resolves in the same way as with the introduction of drugs or surgical removal.

You can prevent varicose veins and their further development with the help of sports. Fast or moderate walks, special gymnastics, swimming and water exercises are very helpful. Skipping, tennis and weight lifting are contraindicated in such a situation.

What are venotonics?

Medications such as venotonics increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the venous wall. Proceeding from this, the elasticity of the blood vessels is preserved and improved, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities is established. The most popular tools in this group:

  1. Drug containing flavonoids that act as venotonics. These substances are considered one of the most effective, as they increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  2. French company medicine. The main active ingredient is a bioflavonoid (600 mg). The higher the dose of the drug, the more effective it will be. The tool reduces the stretching and permeability of the vascular wall (including the capillary), and also improves blood outflow.
  3. The drug, which includes escin, the ingredient is obtained from chestnuts. The release form of the drug is drops and tablets for oral administration. The remedy is used not only for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs. Relieves swelling and pain after injuries, sprains, is also used for other diseases.

Most venotonics have a complex effect. They affect the entire vascular system, their condition improves significantly after treatment.